With over 30 years experience in stage craft under his belt, T.D. Srinivas has been the technical director for Abhinava Dance Company since its conception. Born in a family of eminent artists and story tellers, Srinivas pursued his education in the field of Electronics and Engineering, following which he started Prabhath Enterprises which specialises in providing functional infrastructure to auditoria and performance spaces. He has successfully completed designing and installation of over 100 auditoria pan India including The Town Hall of Mangalore, Rajiv Gandhi Centre, Rabindranath Tagore Institute auditorium and Lepple Convention Centre at Mauritius , BNMIT and Dayanand Sagar Institution auditoriums, KEA Prabhath Rangamandira, Prabhath Kalapoornima at Bangalore amongst others. He heads Prabhath Sound System, which has expertise in stage craft rental setup for Indian Classical Performances.